During this mongering guide to finding girls for sex in Barcelona we will try to give you all the info you need to monger in this town. We will break down the brothels, meeting prostitutes online, erotic massage, girls that aren’t hookers, and even some swingers clubs.
If you are a fan of sexy Latina girls then you will have a lot of fun sampling the adult entertainment here. There are many girls from South America and the Dominican Republic who make the move because they earn more.
That is definitely a great thing for the guys looking for sex in Barcelona. There are so many shapes and sizes of hookers to choose from you might feel like a kid in a candy store.
Modern technology has really changed how mongering works. 30 years ago you would learn about a brothel and show up not knowing anything about the girls.
You would get presented with a lineup, choose the one you thought was the hottest, and go have your fun. You can still handle it in that way if you want but now there are escort review sites to help you know which girls perform the best in the bedroom.
In a quick brothel setting you probably won’t be getting much of a girlfriend experience but a porn star experience can be had. Some guys spend hours searching on the escort review sites to find the perfect girl, others like to roll the dice the old fashioned way.
This guide will start off with those sites and then get into the brothels since they are both very connected. Then we will move on to the other options.
There is even a mongering map that will help you find many of the best venues for adult entertainment listed here. If you don’t like paying for sex then skip to the end or just check out this post on single girls in this city instead.
Meeting Hookers In Spain Online
All you need to do is Google escorts in Barcelona or swap that out for hookers, prostitutes, or any similar term and you will have tons of options. But if you have never tried to meet hookers online before we have some important tips for you.
The best thing you can do is go to websites like SexoMercadoBCN or NuevoLoquo which are the escort review sites we mentioned earlier. If you don’t speak Spanish then be sure to open them with Google Chrome for the auto translate option to pop up in the top right corner.
Here you will find all sorts of prostitutes, some working with an agency, some working at a brothel, and some which are independents. All guys have different opinions on what they think is best. The key is to write an appealing profile. Do not include anything vulgar such as dildos on your profile. That would be a huge turn off.
At the end of the day this is another one of those situations where you have to decide what is more valuable to you between time and money. If you wanted to spend hours searching through those sites you might be able to find some independents that will be a bit cheaper.
Of course escort agencies and brothels will generally charge a bit more because you have to pay them a cut on top of the girls fee. If you can find the right independent and only pay her maybe you can save a bit.
But as you are about to read soon the brothels really aren’t that expensive, often no more expensive than an independent, and they are much more convenient. They are the easiest and probably best way to find sex in Barcelona but that is just our opinion.
Another thing you need to worry about when meeting hookers online is fake pictures. Sometimes that could mean a call girl who is using pictures from 5 years ago who has now packed on an additional 20 pounds.
Other times it might be extremely photoshopped pics, and sometimes they might be of a different girl entirely. For this reason you should always try to get their Whatsapp number and ask them for current pictures.
Tell them that if they don’t look like the pics you just sent that you won’t go through with the deal. This should help you save a lot of time, if you just go by pics you see online you will get lots of fakes.
You will probably notice that a lot of the call girls have the same contact number. This means you are dealing with an escort agency and you are highly unlikely to have the girl from the online photos sent to you.
It isn’t a dealbreaker, just make sure the agency sends you pics of the available girls right then. You will need to decide if you want to do incall (at their place) or outcall (at your place.)
Generally outcall will be a bit more expensive as you will need to pay their transportation. With incall you probably will show up at a brothel or maybe an apartment a few girls rent out and turn into a de facto brothel.
As far as prices for online escorts in Barcelona goes they can be all over the map. Some may go for as low as 30-50 euros for a quickie, others may charge hundreds.
There are no shortage of options and it is a buyers market. If you want to spend hours of your time searching around you can find a well reviewed call girl for a good price.
To sum up this section you can find more options then you ever dreamed of by Googling. Use sites like SexoMercadoBCN and NuevoLoquo if you want to read reviews and find the hookers that give the best porn star experience.
Get the call girls Whatsapp number and ask for current pictures, then make it clear if they aren’t real pics you won’t pay. Negotiate the amount of time, number of rounds, and price and then have some fun.
With how easy it is to meet quality hookers online we aren’t really even mentioning street prostitutes in this post. If you want to find them just roam around La Rambla and you will see plenty, but there is much higher quality to be found online.
When you search you will also be finding sites for the various brothels so lets move on to them now.
Guide To Brothels In Barcelona
In our opinion these are definitely the best and easiest way to monger in this city. If you live here and have the time to be patient and scroll through all of the options on the review sites and find the right independents then it might be a different story.
But for guys who are new to the scene or have limited time paying a tiny bit extra for the convenience the brothels offer is very worthwhile. They all will have different pricing structures but for the most part you can expect to pay between 60-80 for a half hour or around 100-130 for a full hour.
They all have websites which are easy to find with pictures of the girls who work there. Usually the pics are filtered to make them look a bit better but you can get a general feel for what is available.
Don’t forget that you can find these brothel prostitutes being reviewed on SexoMercadoBCN as well. That way you can know which girls give a good performance and which do not.
There are so many to choose from and lineups change quickly so saying any are the best is a bit of a stretch. But some brothels in Barcelona that are often considered at the top are:
- Top Damas at Carrer de Sant Eusebi, 68 near Fontana Station
- La Vie en Rose near Top Damas
- Felinas at 44 be Calle Can Bruxa
- Devorah Suites with multiple locations
If you only have time to visit one then choosing any of the above would give you a good shot for a nice session. Top Damas is known to have very nice rooms and the prices are competitive.
Felinas and La Vie en Rose are a bit more expensive than the others, Felinas is 90 for a half hour and La Vie is 115 for 45 minutes. If you think you can get two rounds off in 45 minutes confirm with the girl before hand if that is OK or not.
We wrote a longer post on the Barcelona brothels that lists even more. You should probably contact them before you go and set an appointment.
Also ask about their prices and find out if they have any specials, often times the prices are cheaper during the day then at night. If you happen to be driving up north you could stop in La Jonquera which has quite a few brothels as well.
These are the best value from a time and money perspective, now lets start to get into options that don’t give you the same bang for your buck.
Erotic Sex Massage In Barcelona
We titled this section erotic sex massage but that is false. When you go into an erotic men’s spa in Barcelona a handjob happy ending is all you should be expecting.
If you want to tip a lot more then you can possibly have sex, but the price for a rub n tug is generally 100 euros or more. With cheaper brothels you can see why we said you don’t get enough bang for your buck here.
Right next to Felina’s brothel is Felina’s massage. If you did want an erotic massage that wouldn’t be a bad place to go but only expect a handjob.
There are some cheaper Chinese massage parlors around town where you can get a rub down for 20. Then you can tip an additional 20ish for a handjob, 30-50 for blowjob, and maybe 50-100 for a full service sex massage.
Sex In The Champagne RoomTopless full nude strip clubs meet hookers women online
Another inadvisable way to find sex in Barcelona is the strip clubs. At some of them the entry fee can be as high as what you pay to bang in the brothels.
On average you will pay an entry of around 40, drinks will cost 20, ladies drinks (fichas) are 60 euros but you don’t need to buy them. Just think about that for a second, it costs as much to buy a girl a drink at a strip club as it does to have sex in a brothel, why does anyone go here?
The price for sex in a strip club is even more expensive, generally it is in the 150-200 for a quickie range The most expensive club is Bagdad and girls there have been known to ask for 400, plus the entry fee is 90.
With all that said if you did want to check out some of the best strip clubs in Barcelona they would be:
- Bagdad
- Baccara
- Viladomat 208
- Pussy Cat
- Darling
- Blue Night
- Divas
- Villalo